
Who does the NDIS support

What is the NDIS? And how does it affect me?

If you want the details about the NDIS, read on . . .

As you have no doubt heard, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national cover scheme and a completely new way of supporting people who are living with a permanent disability. The NDIS is changing the way that disability services are delivered. With NDIS, you are able to choose your services and how you want them delivered.

At the moment the NDIS is coming into Victoria progressively. In other words not everyone in the state is covered yet. It is expected to be state-wide by July 2019.

What’s it mean in practice?

Well, because the NDIS is coming in progressively, people who are currently receiving support through the Commonwealth and State governments will be changing over to the NDIS at varying times. The timing will depend on the sort of support you are receiving and where you live.

By clicking on this link you can find out when the NDIS will roll out in your area.

How the NDIS can work for you

With NDIS, disability support is delivered by approved providers.

Rehmat Sandhu Foundation is a NDIS approved provider of services and has been supporting clients since the trial roll-out in 2013. One of our experienced client engagement managers can help provide you with support coordination. We are happy to work with you to meet your individual needs and goals including:

Having a hand to hold allows me to stay in my home

Allow your loved one to maintain their happiness!

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